Shipment informations

Shipment informations

Once your order is placed and confirmed, your order will be packed in our warehouses based in various cities in Italy. Once shipped, you will receive an e-mail containing the tracking number of your shipment. Our online store ships worldwide with DHL, FEDEX, TNT, POSTE ITALIANE EMS from Monday to Friday from 9.30AM to 4.30PM. To Russian Federation ships with EMS carrier by Poste Italiane.

Check our table to see the shipment cost to your country:

Area Shipment Delivery Time Amount Cost Amount Cost
Italy Express 1-2 working days >300 €  FREE <300 10 €
Europe Express 2-3 working days >300 FREE <300 €  30 €
Rest of the World * Express 2-5 working days >500  € (vat ex) FREE <500 € (vat ex) 30-75 €

We do not deliver to PO Boxes. The country of the shipment address and the billing address should be the same. We will not accept orders where the destination country differs from the country of invoicing.

Taxes and Duties

Please note that Italian VAT will only be applied to orders dispatched within the European Community. Order dispatched outside EU are exempt from Italian Valued Added Tax.

DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) - Inside European Community. The price published on the web site includes import duties, custom fees and local sales taxes. There are no additional fees to pay upon delivery.

DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) - Outside European Community. Orders shipped outside of the European Economic Community are exempt from Italian Valued Added Tax, but are subject to import duties, local taxes and customs fees. Payment of these DDU fees is the sole responsibility of the Client.

Please note: shipments that do not clear custom's successfully in the Client's home country due to the non-compliance of import regulations and due to wish of the Client  will return to Italy at the Client's expense. All re-import fees assessed to packages returning to Italy and the cost of the return shipment will be deducted from any eventual reimbursement.

In the event of returns from countries not belonging to the European Community, the cost of shipping and all import taxes assessed and paid by will be deducted from any refund.

* For shipping to Russian Federation the shipping costs amount to 55.00 euros regardless of the amount spent. Shipping times are linked to the Poste Italiane and may be more than 5 working days.